Lecture Details
Target Audience: Medical trainees (med students, residents, fellows) and early attendings who are facing burnout and want to learn how to reconnect with their passion and purpose within patient care.
Learning Objectives:
1. The Importance of Human Connection: Understanding the fundamental human need for connection and empathy, and why the shared experience of being human is fundamental to the patient-doctor relationship.
2. Impact of Connection vs. Disconnection: Using stories to highlight the stark differences in impact between interactions where connection is thriving vs. lacking.
3. Relationships for Fulfilling Experiences: Exploring how meaningful relationships enhance fulfillment, facilitate learning, and help maintain a sense of purpose during residency.
4. Building Relationships Quickly and Efficiently: Providing phrases and communication strategies to cultivate connections in brief interactions and sustain them over time.
5. Self-Relationship and Resilience: Highlighting the importance of building a strong relationship with oneself as a key component of resilience and well-being.
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