LIVE Lecture Overview

Pitch Perfect: How to Be Your Own Best Publicist

Many doctors and medical professionals have found success building a platform and gaining media exposure, so why not you? Join freelance journalist and editor Jen Jones Donatelli for a workshop geared around helping doctors master the art of pitching and become their own best publicist. The presentation will include useful information on writing effective pitch letters; positioning your pitch for timeliness and newsworthiness; forging relationships with journalists; and accessing various resources and platforms that can help you connect with media. Find out how to tap into the power of publicity and share your message with many!


** How to get media exposure and establish a platform as an expert in your field

** How to write an effective pitch letter

** How to connect with editors and journalists

** How to position your pitch for newsworthiness and timeliness

** How to find various opportunities and utilize resources for publicity

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